Blogger - Freelancer - Lebemann - Spaßkanone
verheiratet, Familienvater, Sport-Fan, “Technik-Nööörd”, Social Media begeistert. (Fast) Immer gut drauf, witzig, nachdenklich, konstruktiv, neugierig, ironisch – gerne auch mal sarkastisch oder gar zynisch….!
Ein Kommentar
Abreham7. Januar 2018
Could you tell me which brand/model of OTG cable are you using? ‚Cause the cable I purchased was supposed to be used with Mediapad M3 lite (I didn’t find for DL09) and it doesn’t recognize my k400 plus. Thanks
Could you tell me which brand/model of OTG cable are you using? ‚Cause the cable I purchased was supposed to be used with Mediapad M3 lite (I didn’t find for DL09) and it doesn’t recognize my k400 plus. Thanks